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Kids Carnival

After the extraordinary change that the celebration of the carnival in Mazatlan will experience after 1898, other changes were gradually made in it. Throughout its history many additions were made, those that did not satisfy the public were eliminated and those that pleased the audience lasted at the party until they acquired the character of tradition. Although in its beginnings the carnival was not designed for a children’s audience, it was evident the joy that among the Mazatlan children awoke the party atmosphere, the costumed adults and the allegorical parades. Due to this, and also to be in accordance with the moralizing intention of the organizers who intended to hold a family party and for all tastes, it was that on Monday, February 26, 1900, the first carnival parade was held. fancy dresses and colorful costumes. In the years that followed this infantile manifestation was repeated with enough irregularity, but on the other hand it did not take long before Mazatlec children were requested as carnival courtiers and were in the company of adults on floats and parades of the main parade.
In the 1920s a children’s version of the Mazatlan carnival was organized for the first time, reproducing the forms of the adult carnival but without its excesses: monarchs were chosen, parades were held, fancy dress contests and dances.
The modality did not bear fruit and the Mazatlan children had to wait a few generations to exercise their right to participate in an exclusive carnival. Don Blas Rojo was responsible for this during the thirties when organizing a children’s party which he called “Carnival Chiquito”, and chose to develop it during the days known as the Octave of Carnival, days after the end of the adult carnival.
The small carnivals were based in the former Playa Sur, from where the parades departed and performed and the dances and ceremonies of rigor were carried out.

Although the carnival children as conceived by Blas Rojo ended up disappearing, the participation of the children never went unnoticed in the official party.

The children’s monarchy was officially integrated into the Carnival calendar in 1968 and its election has been determined by a contest of economic votes.

As in the first demonstration of 1900, today the day designated for children’s festivities is the Monday before Tuesday of Carnival. On this date, a dance for children with a costume contest takes place and a reign is crowned, before which a fashion artist offers his performance.


First period

  • 1921 Evangelina Díaz de León
  • 1924 Rosalba Lorda y David Urrea
  • 1925 Julieta Lorda y Enrique de Rueda
  • 1927 Ana Luisa Unger y Ernesto Lorda

Second period

  • 1968 Perla González G.
  • 1969 Laura Elena Ponzo Morales
  • 1970 Fabiola Uzeta Guzmán
  • 1971 Irasema González G.
  • 1972 María Isabel Alvarez Acosta
  • 1973 Denisse Díaz Salcido
  • 1974 Carmen Olimpia Hernández N.
  • 1975 Paulina Carrillo Collard
  • 1976 Isaura Rendón Osuna
  • 1977 Magali Arnold y Flavio Isaac Michel Sánchez
  • 1978 Teresa Velázquez Lizárraga y Luis Eduardo Gámez
  • 1979 Ana Lizzete López y Alejandro Flores
  • 1980 Guillermina Blancarte Osuna y Enrique Alberto Camacho Santamarina
  • 1981 Brissia Marina Covarrubias
  • 1982 Rosina del Carmen y Víctor Manuel Lizárraga
  • 1983 Ivette Ernestina Ramos Lizárraga y José Carlos Osuna Ramos
  • 1984 Martha Citlali Burgueño Vega
  • 1985 Gabriela Tirado Rivera y Carlos Crespo Pérez
  • 1986 Adriana Tirado Rivera y Arturo Andrade Aguilar
  • 1987 Linda de Rueda Ceballos
  • 1988 Emilia Sofía Ceballos Rico
  • 1989 Elba María Alcalá Conde
  • 1990 Elena Mier de Rueda
  • 1991 Vanessa Alvarez Pelayo
  • 1992 Laura Dafné Constantino Ponzo
  • 1993 Bianca Pescador
  • 1994 Loreto Margarita Herrera
  • 1995 Chantal Alejandra Morales Cortéz
  • 1996 Miriam Anaid Trewartha
  • 1997 Silvia Arce García
  • 1998 María Luisa Sahagún Angulo
  • 1999 Adriana Alfonsina Vizcarra Castro
  • 2000 Siu Yin Audelo
  • 2001 Aída García Verde
  • 2002 Ana Paola Loaiza y Aram Filiberto Páez
  • 2003 Chi Mei Key Burgueño Chio
  • 2004 Valeria Osuna
  • 2005 Dulce maría Osuna García
  • 2006 Micaela Harris Montalvo
  • 2007 Imelda Fabiola Aguiluz
  • 2008 Arantxa Marcela Tirado González
  • 2009 Yuliana Preciado
  • 2010 Karime Zulema de la Cruz Barrón
  • 2011 Gina Dalai Peñuelas León
  • 2012 Maritrini Loaiza Loaiza
  • 2013 Sachenka Gutiérrez
  • 2014 Zuszet Guevara
  • 2015 Danna Guevara
  • 2016 Emilia Contreras

Carnaval Mazatlán 2025