With great joy the inhabitants of these towns left their homes with all the enthusiasm of experiencing Carnaval, which this year, thanks to the concern of the Mazatlan municipal president, Quimico Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres, the biggest festival of the port will reach all citizens for free.
“On no occasion had the syndicates been reached with free Carnaval tickets before,” was one of the most heard comments on the delivery of tickets for any of the three coronations that will be held at the Teodoro Mariscal stadium.
The Municipal President, Quimico Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres led the delivery in Villa Unión with his wife Gabriela Peña Chico and José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, in charge of the General Directorate of the Municipal Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte, who received the gratitude of the inhabitants who from an early hour looked forward to being able to access the free tickets.
Also taking the opportunity to invite everyone to enjoy the family Carnaval, taking care not to overdo it and to experience the 122nd edition of Carnaval Internacional de Mazatlán, “Somos América” to the fullest.
In this way, 13 places were visited over seven days with the aim of promoting social justice, making this edition a fiesta for the people.